Plants, Gardening & Landscaping
Spring Prep Work Doesn’t Have to be Work

Yay, spring has sprung! As we begin to prep our yards/lawns/gardens/balconies/kitchen window sills for the warmer growing season, we can make it as big—or small—a project as we want to. Really. Here are some smart things to consider to make prep work worthwhile, and… What? It looks like it may even be fun…
Do you have a bigger outdoor space?
Pick a nice day and get outside where you can kneel in the warm soil and get your hands nice and dirty.
Remove old mulch and pull up any dead or dying plants in your garden beds. Use a spade, garden fork or sturdy rake (or even a tiller for a larger area) and turn the soil, aerating it. You might add some compost to replace any lost nutrients. Then add a layer of about an inch or two of mulch to keep weeds out and moisture in. Your canvas is now ready for some colorful paint…
Or a smaller outdoor space?
Hanging pots are great when there’s not much space.
They can be gorgeous and free up ground, balcony or patio space. (Anderson’s, by the way, has a large selection of fabulous hanging pots and planters. Just sayin’.) Shipping pallets are great for vertical planting as well. That’s right, shipping pallets. Hang them (or prop them up vertically) and plant between the boards. Ta dah, your small planting area just got bigger. Other ideas for unconventional planters include cinder blocks and hanging shoe organizers. Can’t you just see sweet little pansies spilling out of the pockets, showing off their blooms? (By the way, does Anderson’s have pansies? Oh, yes we do.)
What about an indoor space?
Before you start planting indoors (or, ahem, creating your “urban” garden), you have to start planning by determining how much room and light you have.
This will give you an idea of the size containers you need for your garden, and what kind of plants you can grow. For example, mason jars, tea cups, window boxes and the like can all be sweet homes for your healthy green babies. Succulents are really popular now and it’s easy to see why; there are so many different shapes, colors, and fascinating growth patterns, you may become obsessed with them. Plus, they’re relatively simple to care for.
Other plants to consider include herbs such as basil, sage and rosemary. Put ’em in the kitchen and snip, snip—you have fresh pizzazz to add to your meals! (Another shameless plug: Anderson’s has herbs and more herbs. We use them ourselves in our Sage Kitchen drinks and dishes!)
Want someone to do it for you?
Fair enough! If you don’t find joy in prepping your garden yourself—or you simply don’t have the time—get someone you trust to do it for you.
And now would be a good time to tell you that Anderson’s does, in fact, offer complete landscaping services. Talk to us about what you need or envision; we want to make it happen for you!
If you’re just looking for guidance, you can tap into our fantabulous design experts through our FREE We Plan, You Plant service when you buy your plants from Anderson’s that day.
We love this time of year when our gardens get more active. Anderson’s is right here with information, encouragement, tools, plants, landscaping services and more. Now get out there and enjoy!
Love, Anderson’s.