It’s that time of year where we prep our cold hardy outdoor plants for their long winters nap!
They’re not really napping, but there are great products you can use to give your shrubs, trees, bulbs, and other outdoor plants a little boost before they’re subjected to our cooler winter temps.
Here’s a list of Espoma products we recommend for fall feeding:
- Bulb-Tone - Feeds spring-blooming bulbs during fall planting as well as use when planting fall blooming annuals like pansies.
- Azalea-Tone - Great for feeding azaleas, camellias, gardenias, and rhododendron.
- Evergreen-Tone - Can be used on boxwoods, hollys, and any needled evergreen.
- Palm-Tone - Tropical hibiscus, hardy palms, and oleander.
- Holly-Tone - Great for feeding hollys, azaleas, rhododendron, camellia, redbuds, dogwood, hydrangeas.
- Tree-Tone - Feed newly planted or mature fruit trees, oaks, and maples.
- Rose-Tone - Feed roses late August through October 1st.
- Bio-Tone Starter - Use on new plantings of trees and shrubs in the fall.
Love, Anderson’s.