Tips to Maximize the Beauty of your New Poinsettia
Light, Water, Temperature
Poinsettias prefer bright indirect light to maintain their colorful bracts. Bright sunlight can fade the colorful bracts so be sure to check your poinsettia often.
Poinsettias prefer even temps between 55° - 70° Fahrenheit. Damage will occur if exposed to temps below 50° F and the bracts will begin to fade if kept at a higher temperature. They prefer not to be placed near cold drafts, fireplaces, space heaters, or HVAC vents.
Poinsettias prefer to be kept evenly moist. Water plant when the soil surface feels dry to a light touch, or pot feels light for its size when lifted. Never allow poinsettias to get so dry that they wilt.
Make sure your plant is in a pot that drains freely so you may need to remove it from the decorative foil during watering. We recommend placing it in a sink or bathtub so the water can drain.
Never allow poinsettia pots to sit in excess water. Constant wetness will rot plant roots.
Here at Anderson’s our homegrown poinsettias were cared for lovingly, so you will not need to fertilize your poinsettia during the holidays. In fact, fertilizing them during the holiday season may burn the bracts.
After the holidays, once you start to see new growth (new green leaves, stems, bracts) You can use an all-purpose household plant fertilizer, we recommend Epsoma Organic Indoor. Mix the fertilizer with water at half the recommended strength. Feed your poinsettia every 3-4 weeks to keep your poinsettia healthy and provide the necessary nutrients for new growth.
“How do I keep my poinsettia red?” is a common question.
Poinsettias can be grown as attractive green plants, but most people are interested in making their green poinsettia colorful again and ready for the holidays.
Trim any faded blooms, fertilize, and keep the plant in a light spot with temps above 50° Fahrenheit. Continue to fertilize the plant with regularity. When foliage begins growing again trim and shape the plant in the way you want. Be sure to fertilize the plant at the end of September when the days begin getting shorter. As the days begin to be shorter, the reduction in light prevents the plant from producing chlorophyll, the pigment that makes plant parts green. The bracts will begin to turn red, pink, or white, depending on the variety.
Love, Anderson’s.