Outdoor Living
Want More Birds in Your Garden? Three Ways to Put Out the Welcome Mat

Do you love birds? We do! And if you want to put out the welcome mat and make your garden more inviting to our feathered friends, all they need to hear from you are these three little words…
“Seeds. Plants. Water.”
Of course, “love” is implied, right? Absolutely. And frankly, birds are really not that picky. They’ll visit your yard, whether it’s large or small, or even if it’s simply your balcony or patio. Bonus, our area is a huge migration highway, especially during the spring and fall, so chances are you’ll see birds familiar to our community and those who are tourists passing through.
Create a seedy place.
Be sure you have a reliable bird feeder—whether it’s a tray, tube or hopper type—that hangs from a hook, a branch, a deck railing, or has suction cups that can attach to a window. Anderson’s, by the way, has lots of pretty and practical feeders available. Come see our delightful display!
We also have different seed mixes to fill those fabulous feeders. Different seeds attract different birds; sunflower seeds are the dinner bell for finches, chickadees, nuthatches, grosbeaks, cardinals, jays and even some woodpeckers. Safflower seeds are loved by cardinals, grosbeaks and house finches. (Even better, safflower seeds are not a favorite of pesky squirrels.) And nyjer or thistle seeds attract finches and chickadees. Beyond seeds, put out a hummingbird feeder filled with sugar water (recipe: four units of water to one unit of sugar) and you’ll attract those little jewels.
Make your place green and inviting.
Plants are so important in your bird-friendly garden. They’re actually the first thing a bird may see, and they associate your plants with food and shelter. In fact, plants provide nourishing seeds and irresistible fruits, and they’re also a critical part of the food chain—insects feed on them, and many backyard birds raise their young on the available insects. Your plants with their protective foliage also offer your birds places to nest and shelter from harm.
So what plants are especially good for us here in Hampton Roads? Native flowering plants include coneflower, sunflower and milkweed. Native shrubs include buttonbush and elderberry. And if you’re up to planting a dogwood tree, your birds will love you for it. Come talk to our Anderson’s experts about what might be spectacularly successful for you. (And if you want to install some fun birdhouses, they’ll add to the available accommodations in your garden.)
Arrange for bath time.
Who doesn’t love taking a nice, relaxing bath? Your bird buddies love water and having a nice source in your garden space (for drinking as well as bathing) is a huge plus. If you don’t already have one, Anderson’s has some beautiful birdbaths that will make your space more attractive… In more ways than one! You can up your game when you add moving water to an ordinary bath with a solar-powered pump. (And we happen to know where you can find one…) Birds hear the trickling, bubbling sound, and you’ll see birds and more birds enjoying your hospitality.
Include these three things—seeds, plants and water—and you’ll have lovely, singing, fluttering, feathery friends making your place their place.
Love, Anderson’s.