Outdoor Living
It’s Time to Go Outside

We’re all getting out of sweaters and out from under umbrellas… Finally! The days are getting longer and warmer, and it’s time to open the doors and do a little outdoor living.
And if you’re anything like us, we’re ready for…
Grilling on the back deck.
So you’re flipping burgers, dogs or veggie kabobs on a grill that’s just the right temp. The kids are setting the table with cute plates on the deck, and the potted geraniums are blooming like crazy. Someone’s cutting fresh herbs to garnish the salad. The neighbors are coming over with their special spinach dip and a big plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies. The sun will linger in the sky until it’s time to chase fireflies.
Digging in the dirt.
You could spend all day tending to your garden. You’ll be picking lettuce and radishes first, followed by snap beans, tomatoes and peppers. The roses need tending and there’s always weeding, weeding, weeding to do. But some days you just sit back in the Adirondack chairs with a drink in your hand, and listen to the fountain you put in. Ahhh…
Changing your wardrobe.
Now’s the time for color! Dresses and skirts, sandals, purses, sunglasses and jewelry are bright and sparkly this season! If you haven’t yet switched out your winter closet for your summer closet, better get busy. And if you find you need more color, look for light, bright, gauzy pieces with lots of bling.
Beautiful, healthy plants in the Greenhouse; outdoor furniture, fire pits and fountains in Landscaping; and distinctive women’s fashions in the Boutique are all right here at Anderson’s. Get outside and enjoy yourself.
Love, Anderson’s.