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Early Spring Pruning

Light pruning is the key to plant health. Removing any branches that are damaged, diseased, too crowded or growing in an undesired direction will ensure your plants get all they need to thrive. If branches are starting to cross, trim the branch growing in the wrong direction, causing the cross, as this can lead to tree disease. When trimming branches, be sure to trim the branch down to the collar (where the trunk meets the branch).

Early-spring blooming shrubs, like forsythia and rhododendron, produce flowers on older wood formed the previous year. The best time to prune them is after they have finished blooming. If you prune them later in the growing season or during winter, you’ll remove buds and reduce the number of blooms you’ll have in spring.

To keep spring blooming shrubs flowering vigorously, remove some of the oldest shoots all the way to the ground. This allows younger stems to grow and bloom.

Plants that bloom in summer, such as crape myrtle, produce flowers on new growth from the current season. Prune in winter while they are dormant, or in early spring before they push out their new growth.

The correct tool and a sharp tool are needed to get the job done! Check out our vast selection of pruners, trimmers, and landscape saws. We also recommend as you go from plant to plant to clean the cutting blade with a little rubbing alcohol to keep everything disease free.

1. Mini floral snips
2. Gardening scissors
3. Folding garden saw
4. Anvil pruner
5. Hedge shears
6. Bypass lopper
7. Bow saw
8. Machete
9. Ratchet shears
10. Bypass pruner

Fan favorites we always get questions about:

Fruiting Trees: Apples (including crabapples), cherries, peaches, pears, plums, and persimmon should be pruned in midwinter. Although winter pruning removes some of the flower buds, the goal in pruning fruit trees is to open up the tree to allow in more light for a better crop of fruit, rather than to get maximum bloom. Dormant pruning is especially important for apples, pears, and crabapples because pruning wounds during the growing season expose the trees to a bacterial disease called blight.

Arborvitae: arborvitae is best pruned in early spring.

Azalea: Best to prune in spring after blooming is completed. Some azaleas are very fast growers and may require light pruning to maintain shape other times of the year. It is not advised to trim right before blooming as you will miss out on their color.

Boxwood: Slow growing, the boxwood does need to be thinned out as they are prone to blight.

Camellia: Slow growing, the camellia should need light pruning just to thin out the branches. Pruning should be done after the blooming season.

Holly: Holly can be trimmed back in late winter after the birds have eaten the berries or prior to it setting fruit.

Hydrangea: Most hydrangeas bloom on old growth so you do not want to prune them. Some hydrangeas bloom on new growth and should be pruned in late winter or early spring, before the shrub begins active growth. If you know what variety of hydrangea you can find out by looking online or by contacting the grower.

Junipers: Prune junipers in early spring before growth emerges. The center of junipers will often develop a “dead zone”, do not prune this area.

Pine: Pines produce new growth at their branch tips in spring.

Rhododendron: Slow-growing rhododendron should only need a trim to reshape it every so often. If it is cut back too far, it will not set blooms for a year or two.

Rose: Prune in late February or early March.

Have more questions? Stop by our Anderson’s Greenhouses to ask questions and shop for the right tool for your pruning job.

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