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#askAndersons: How Do I Care For My Palm Tree?

There are a lot of palm trees in our area that aren’t looking too lush right now. If you have one, here are a couple of ideas that can help you keep your palm tree happy and healthy.

First, cut off all the dead (brown) fronds with a pair of sharp trimmers. Next, feed your palm with organic Palm-tone by sprinkling it liberally around the tree’s drip line. (As Mr. A used to say, “Be wise. Fertilize.”) Palm-tone is a slow-release, all-organic fertilizer specifically formulated for palm trees. And what do we mean by the “drip line”? It’s the area determined by the outermost circumference of the fronds, where water drips onto the ground. Sprinkle the fertilizer there and it will help boost new growth. Between the pruning of the old growth and the feeding—plus springtime weather—we’re promoting new frond growth in the middle of the tree.

Now, how do you protect the tree in the colder months? Wrap it in burlap. Do not just wrap it in plastic food wrap. You want to take some burlap and wrap the upper half of the trunk and the crown. (You can cover the entire trunk if you’d like to, but it’s not necessary.) You also need to protect the top of the crown to prevent water from getting down into it as that could allow the water to travel down the interior of the trunk and cause root rot. Once the palm is wrapped in burlap and protected, you could wrap it in plastic if you really want to to secure the burlap. At Anderson’s, we prefer using just tape to keep the burlap secured.

And that’s it! While we’re not in the islands, you can have an island feel with a well-cared-for palm tree in your garden. For more questions about palms, tropical plants or, well, any plant, come on in and talk to one of our experts. OR you can send in your questions, pictures or videos at #askAndersons on Facebook or Instagram and we’d be happy to answer them!

Love, Anderson’s.