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Five Plants You Can Grow in February

Shhh, plants outside are sleeping. They need their rest! They work hard year round providing lots of oxygen, so we can all breathe a little easier. In this winter dormancy, plant roots are busy growing, getting ready for the big show: Spring!

Don’t just stand there, plant something! Here are five perfectly pleasing plants you can start growing in February:


Extremely cold-hardy varieties and deer resistant, Gardenias will bloom just in time for our Mother’s Day Breakfast event and throughout the summer…well into fall. Enjoy these beauties up close and personal in a sunny or shady area.


Encore Azalea

Flowers, flowers, flowers! These sturdy evergreens love to bloom in the spring, summer, and fall! An array of color choices and [simple_tooltip content=’characteristic shape, appearance, or growth form of a plant species.’]Growth Habits[/simple_tooltip] to look forward to in the weeks ahead.


Holly Fern

Plant now, enjoy now! No waiting for spring to reap the benefits of winter planting on this evergreen fern. Cold weather will not deter the large foliage from shining in the landscape, or in containers. Deer, however, may be left in the cold with this one— not a favorite of our white-tailed friends.


Osmanthus Fragrans

It’s Tea Olive aroma makes this evergreen shrub one of the most amazing fragrant flowers available. This deer-resistant, fast-growing beauty can provide a sweet smelling screen that your neighbors will enjoy as much as you will. Plant this guy anywhere; he likes sun, shade and even dry conditions. They may even become your new BPF (Best Plant Forever) in the yard!



Talk about false advertising! Think about the toughest, hardest-working, non-stop flowering plant in freezing temperatures and call it a “pansy.” Call it what you will, but this plant will perform unabated all winter with colorful blooms to brighten the meanest cold that nature can dish out. The Pansy is a cold-season annual, best enjoyed in containers, hanging baskets and anywhere in your landscape. Just plant it without the name-calling.

So there you have it. Time to get growing! You’ll love planting at this time of year. In fact, studies have shown that soil contains a natural antidepressant that can make us happier (source: Organiclesson.com). So, get a little dirty and turn those winter frowns upside-down.

Love, Andersons.